Saturday, January 20, 2007

Crazy Dream

Woah. I just had like,the wierdest dream.

So, Sadie's mom was taking her on a cruise. She was aloud to invite three friends and ofcourse, I assumed I would be one of them. Sadie and I have lived across the street from each other since first grade, and she's one of my best friends. So then the time came for her to announce who would be coming with her,and she picked Athena,Lilly,and Tash. So ofcourse, I was like "Wtf Sadie?! Athena doesnt even live here, and you've never bothered to contact her so she probably doesnt even remember you!" As you can tell, I was like, really furious. And then, instead of saying "Why, your right Tally! Athena's all the way in Virginia, so you come instead of her!" Like a thoughtful person might say, she says "Oh, your right. Well, I guess I'm only inviting two friends then."So then i threw a little tantrum, coming up with all these stupid, but true reasons why this made her a jerk. I did it out of pure anger, but also so she would feel guilty. It didnt work, and she still wouldnt invite me. So then I came up with this gooey apology about how i was "so sorry for my behavior, and I just wanted to hurt you..." and so on and so forth. But she still wouldn't invite me. So then I spent the rest of the dream moping around emo style.

Thank god it was only a dream


Lar said...
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Lar said...

Oh and did you clean your room so you can sleep over?