Friday, April 13, 2007


Did you here about hat girl, Ashley Ferl? The one who went to American idol and burst into tears because she was so star struck. And then Ryan noticed her, and Sanjaya gave her a hug?And then she got backstage passes?And Paula gave her a pair of heart earings?

That girl is ungodly lucky.

Okay, have I ranted about how much I love Sanjaya enough? Are you getting seroisuly annoyed and pissed?Okay, then I'll *try* to stop. But I'm not making any promises.

Also, i wrote a story. It goes a little something like this:

The Incredibly Wishful Sar-jaya Fan fiction

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah. Sarah was very famous. She was an actress, and had written lots of books. Well, Sarah was young and talented and pretty, so naturally, a lot of guys “wanted” her. (And who wouldn’t, because honestly, she was tremendously gorgeous.) But Sarah was sick of guys her own age. (Which was 26, by the way.) They were immature and well, truthfully, very ugly. Sarah decided that she should go for older men, because they were established and probably were into younger woman, especially blonde ones named Sarah. So one day, while watching re-runs of American Idol, a youngish, Indian-Italian guy with a pony-hawk caught her eye. He looked very familiar... and then she realized it! This guy, whose name, by the way, was Sanjaya, had won Season Six of American Idol and had been Sarah’s sixth grade obsession she thought about it more, she realized he was only six years older then her, plus, he was kinda hot. (Okay, really hot.) And he was also totally rich from winning American Idol. And he had a couple of albums out, which, she realized after searching through her c-d rack a bit, she owned. So she looked in the yellow pages, and, miraculously enough, there he was! So, after gathering up her courage, she called him up and said “Hey Sanjaya. This is Sarah Demarest, you know, the famous girl. Well, I think your really hot and I was wondering if you would like to be my new boyfriend?” Sanjaya, who was single, was extremely flattered by this offer and accepted immediately.
The two, now known as “Sar-jaya”, were America’s newest sweethearts. Sanjaya once again became a heart throb, and Sarah was happy. Sanjaya was just about the sweetest guy ever, and they made a perfect team, because Sarah was now his lyricist. Sarah, who was an astoundingly good writer, wrote songs for him, and he sung them. Now, when he was on American Idol, everyone said Sanjaya was a bad singer, but he wasn’t. He was just shy and didn’t know how to “let his voice out” on camera. But Sanjaya knew how to do that now, and even though some people still trashed him, Sarah just said a few very rude words to them and they were put in there place. As the years passed, Sanjaya and Sarah stayed together. And when she was old, he sat on a rocking chair next to her, singing her the songs that she wrote. Now that Sanjaya was very old, nearly ninety, he had basically lost his singing talent.

But that was okay, because Sarah was deaf anyway.

1 comment:

Lar said...

Wow Sar you are crazy.